2025 2nd International Conference on Energy Technology and Electrical Power (ETEP 2025)



· Honorary Chair


Prof. Wei Xu (IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow)

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Wei Xu (Fellow, IEEE) received the double B.E. and M.E. degrees from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS), Beijing, China, in 2008, all in electrical engineering. His research topics mainly focus on the design and control of linear machines and drives. 

From Sep. 2008 to Sep. 2013, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW, Australia, the Vice-Chancellor Research Fellow with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, and a Japan Science Promotion Society Invitation Fellow with Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, respectively. From Oct. 2013 to Dec. 2023, he was a Professor with the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. SinceJan.2024, he has been a Professor with IEECAS. Since 2025, he has been

Dr. Xu is Director for State Key Laboratory for High Density Electromagnetic Power and Systems, IEEE Fellow and IET Fellow. He is General Chair of 2021 International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications and 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics. He is one Associate Editor of over ten peer-reviewed IEEE JOURNALS, including IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS and IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. He has published 10 books, over 180 journal papers in IEEE Series, and been awarded more than 150 intentional patents granted, which has been cited by over 1,1000 times with H-index 52 based on Google Scholar statistics.


· Conference Chair

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Prof. Janaka Ekanayake (IEEE Fellow)

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Janaka Bandara Ekanayake obtained BScEng (First Class Honours) from Peradeniya University in 1990 and PhD from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK in 1995. He has published over 80 refereed journal papers and 100 conferences papers and co-authored 7 books. He has a Google Scholar h-index of 45 with 11839 number of citations, the highest for engineering in Sri Lanka. He has held research grants in Sri Lanka and UK that total 2 million GBP An article published by researchers from Stanford University and Elsevier BV in 2020 ranked him among the top 2% of researchers in the world (2nd in Sri Lanka). He obtained the CVCD Excellence Awards in 2018, NSF Research Award for Scientific Excellence in 2018, and 7 Presidential Awards for Research. Prof. Ekanayake is a Fellow of IEEE (USA), IET (UK), and IESL. He is also recognized as an IEEE PES distinguished lecturer. He has given keynote and invited speeches at many conferences in the UK, China, and India. Prof. Ekanayake has contributed to renewable energy generation and integration in the UK, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. He a member of the editorial board of IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion (2007 to 2019), IET Journal of Renewable Energy (2015 to date), Journal of Wind Energy (2013 to date), and Ceylon Journal of Science (2016 to 2018). He was the Organising Vice Chairperson of the First IEEE PES conference of Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (2012) held in Tianjin, China. Prof. Ekanayake is the Chair Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Peradeniya. He is also a visiting professor at Cardiff University, UK and Universiti Tenaga National, Malaysia. Further, he served as a Visiting Professorial Fellow of the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, the University of Wollongong, Australia for the period 2017 - 2020. He is the Chairman of the Expert Committee on Renewable Energy since May 2020 and was Chairman of the NIFS (2019).


· Technical Program Committee Chairs

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Prof. Yang Han (IEEE & IEEE PES Senior Member)

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China


Yang Han (S’08–M’10–SM’17) received the Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from the Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, in 2010. In 2010, he joined the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, where he has been an Associate Professor in 2013 and Full professor in 2021. From March 2014 to March 2015, he was a Visiting Scholar with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. He is currently with the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, UESTC. His research interests include the ac/dc micro-grids, active distribution networks, power quality, grid-connected converters forrenewable energy systems, active power filters, multilevel converters, and static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs). Dr. Han was listed as “World’s Top 2% Scientist (single-year and career)” by Stanford University in 2023, “Highly Cited Chinese Researcher” by Elsevier in 2023, and the recipient of the Young Scientist Award in CPESE 2021, the Provincial Science and Technology Award in 2020 and 2022, Science and Technology Award from Sichuan Electric Power Company in 2019, Academic Talent Award by UESTC, in 2017, Baekhyun Award by the Korean Institute of Power Electronics, in 2016. 


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Prof. Farhad Shahnia  (IEEE Senior Member)

Murdoch University, Australia


Farhad Shahnia (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical power engineering (first class Hons.) from the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 2004 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, in 2011. He is currently a Professor with Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia. His research interests include distribution networks, power quality, and application of power electronic in power systems.


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Prof. Chunhua Liu (IEEE Senior Member & IEEE Societies of IES, PES, IAS & RAS Member)

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong China


Prof. Chunhua Liu received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in automatic control from Beijing Institute of Technology, China, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from The University of Hong Kong in 2009. From Mar. 2010 to Aug. 2013, he served as Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. From Sep. 2013 to Aug. 2014, he served as Assistant Professor, and then in 2015 as Honorary Assistant Professor also at The University of Hong Kong. Prof. Liu joined the School in CityU as Assistant Professor in Aug 2015. His research interest covers the Electrical Energy and Power Technologies for smart energy conversion, integration, distribution, and utilization, including electric motors and drives, electric generators; electric vehicle technologies, vehicle-to-home, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-grid; smart grid & microgrid technologies; sustainable & renewable energy systems; wireless power transfer technologies, and smart devices for robotics. He is all-round in electrical and electronic engineering and hence accomplished over 30 projects in the abovementioned areas and corresponding abundant publication record. Prof. Liu is Senior Member of the IEEE, Member of IEEE Societies of IES, PES, IAS & RAS, and serves as Reviewer for over 30 international journals. He serves as Associate Editor of IET – Renewable Power Generation, and Editorial Board Member of Wireless Power Transfer from Cambridge Journals, etc.. He has published over 70 leading papers in journals and over 30 papers in conferences in 2015. His Google-Scholar Citations are over 1800 in June 2015. Prof. Liu has been invited by Proceeding of the IEEE for contributing two long papers on vehicle-to-grid in 2013 and advanced electric devices for microgrids in 2015, respectively. Furthermore, he is now preparing one book with topic of Smart Energy for Wiley-IEEE Press and has published one book chapter for Nova Science. His teaching and research philosophy follows the terms of APCP (Active – Positive – Creative – Productive).


·Publication Chair

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Prof. Pierluigi Siano (IEEE PES Senior Member)

University of Salerno, Italy


Pierluigi Siano received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information and electrical engineering from the University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, in 2001 and 2006, respectively.,He is currently an Aggregate Professor of electrical energy engineering with the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno. In 2013, he received the Italian National Scientific Qualification as a Full Professor in the competition sector of electrical energy engineering. He has coauthored over 160 papers, including over 70 published in international journals. His research activities are centered on the integration of distributed energy resources in smart distribution systems and on planning and management of power systems.,Dr. Siano is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and a member of the Editorial Boards of over 30 international journals.


· Organizing Committee Chairs


Prof. Tengge Mi

University of South China, China


Mi Tengge, male, born in March 1986, holds a Ph.D. in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics from North China Electric Power University, which he obtained in June 2022. His primary research and teaching focus lies in atmospheric pollutant control technologies. Dr. Mi has successfully led two research projects, including one funded by the Doctoral Startup Foundation of University of South China and another supported by the Hunan Provincial Department of Education. He has published four articles in prestigious SCI-indexed journals, such as Fuel Processing Technology, Applied Surface Science, and Applied Catalysis A: General, demonstrating his contributions to advancing knowledge in environmental and energy-related fields.



Assoc. Prof. Xiaomin Kang

University of South China, China


Xiaomin Kang achieved his bachelor and Ph.D degree in Material Sciecne and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University in 2011 and 2017, respectively. After graduation, he further served as a postdoctor and research fellow in Prof. Luo Jinglli’s group (Fellow of the Canadian Academay of Engineering) to fulfil his job in the research of next generation energy conversion and storage devices, with an emphasis on exploring the oxygen evolution/reduction reaction and electrochemical carbon dioxide conversion at room temperatures. In 2022, he worked as an Associated Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering, South China University. Till now, He is hosting a National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shenzhen Postdoctral innovatiove research progam, respectively. As a core-participant, he is a member in Shenzhen Innovative Research Team Program:  Hydrogen energy and fuel cell electrocatalytic materials and Innovative project of Shenzhen graphene manufacturing innovation center: Development of graphene based materials for anti-corrosion and antifouling of marine equipment and facilities, respectively. Besides, he once hosted a China Postocroral Science Foundation in 2019. Till now, he has published over 15 papers and 4 patents in Chemical Communication, Polymer Chemistry, Journal of Material Chemistry A, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, etc. 

· Committee Members

-Prof. Tianshi Wang, University of South China, China

-Prof. Youwei He, University of South China, China

-Prof. Zhitao Hu, University of South China, China

-Prof. Saim Memon, Sanyou London Pvt Ltd, UK (IEEE Member)

-Prof. Ahmet Mete Vural, Gaziantep University, Turkey

-Prof. Gheorghe Grigoras, Technical University of Iasi, Romania

-Assoc. Prof. Bowen Zhou, Northeastern University, China (Member of the IEEE PES Transformer Committee in China region)

-Assoc. Prof. Yanan Zou, University of South China, China

-Assoc. Prof. Prechanon Kumkratug, Kasetsart University at Sriracha Campus, Thailand

-Assoc. Prof. Riccardo Mandrioli, University of Bologna, Italy

-Assoc. Prof. Jahariah Binti Sampe, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia (MIEEE)